PublishVoices - multilingual AI voiceovers & content publishing for influencers

Maximize your impact with AI-powered voiceovers and global content publishing


Experience a range of features designed to make your content adaptation process seamless and profitable with PublishVoices

Efficient Content Publishing

We handle the publishing of your multilingual content on popular platforms, maximizing your reach and unlocking new revenue streams

Hassle-Free Experience

Simply start cooperating with us, and we will take care of adapting, voicing, and publishing your content in multiple languages, allowing you to focus on creating quality content

High-Quality Multilingual Voice Overs

Benefit from natural-sounding and expressive voice overs in 8 languages, produced by our AI-driven system

AI-based Content Adaptation

Our advanced AI language model ensures accurate and culturally-appropriate adaptations of your content, effectively conveying your message to a global audience

Transparent Pricing & Revenue Sharing

Enjoy a clear and equitable revenue sharing model, where you, the creator, earn from the profits generated specifically by your content translated into new languages.

Our Services

At PublishVoices, we offer a comprehensive solution for influencers looking to adapt their content into multiple languages and expand their audience reach. Our services include:

Our Services

At PublishVoices, we offer a comprehensive solution for influencers looking to adapt their content into multiple languages and expand their audience reach. Our services include:

Content Adaptation

Our team of experts and advanced AI language model work together to adapt your content, ensuring cultural nuances and context are maintained in the translated versions

AI-Powered Multilingual Voice Overs

Enjoy high-quality, natural-sounding voice overs in English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, and Korean languages, generated by our AI-driven system

Content Publishing

Leave the hassle of publishing your multilingual content to us. We will publish your content on popular platforms, unlocking new markets and revenue streams for you

Dedicated Support

Our team of professionals is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have

About Us

At PublishVoices, our mission is to empower influencers by making their content accessible to a worldwide audience. Our team of passionate professionals and cutting-edge technology work hand-in-hand to provide seamless, high-quality voice overs in multiple languages. We believe that the power of content should not be limited by language barriers, and we are committed to helping influencers like you expand your reach and maximize your revenue potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the AI-based translation work?

Our AI-based translation leverages sophisticated machine learning models to convert your content into 12 different languages. It maintains the essence and context of your original content, ensuring it resonates with global audiences.

How long does it take to receive the translated voice overs?

Our AI translates a 10-minute video in about 10 minutes. If you opt for additional proofreading by our language experts, it can take a few business days, ensuring accuracy and cultural relevance in the translation.

Is there a limit to the length of videos I can upload?

We don't have a strict limit on video length. We handle videos of varying lengths, from short clips to full-length documentaries. However, longer videos may require additional processing time.

What kind of support can I expect from your team?

Our dedicated team at PublishVoices offers comprehensive support, ranging from technical assistance, localization strategy, to tailored insights on engaging your global audience. We're committed to helping you maximize your global reach.

Is my content secure with PublishVoices?

Yes, your content security is our top priority. We just need a license to translate and publish your content. We uphold strict data security measures to ensure that your content is always secure and its integrity maintained.

Get In Touch

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